Wednesday 16 December 2015 - 09:00 to Friday 18 December 2015 - 17:00

Do you want to lead a social enterprise? Do you want to become a social entrepreneur?

As part of the Skills for Social Enterpreneurs programme, British Council in collaboration with C2O library & collabtive will hold Social Enterprise Training in Surabaya, 16- 18 December 2015.

We are looking for candidates who:

  1. Have strong sense and understanding local/national social problem
  2. Want to learn social enterprise as tools to facilitate their communities
  3. Aim to establish a social enterprise as an advancement of their community activities
  4. Aspire to become a social entrepreneur

The learning outcome of the training activities:

  1. Becoming more self-aware and confident as a leader/champion in the community.
  2. Strengthening capacity to communicate and building strong relationship with others, build team and harness diversity and difference to develop a social enterprise to further community activities
  3. Increasing your understanding on social enterprise and the potential role can be played in sustainable community development.

Note for applicants:

  • Each organization may only send 1 representative to the training 
  • Capacity of the training will be limited up to 30 participants
  • British Council Indonesia and C2O Library & Collabtive will select the participants at its sole discretion, based on the application form and availability of training spaces.

Selected participants

Congratulation to 30 organisations, which are selected to participate in the Social Enterprise Training di Surabaya, 16-18 Desember 2015. We will contact these organisations by email and phone. 

  1. Gatot Subroto (Paguyuban Warga Strenkali Surabaya) – Surabaya
  2. Mayasari (Jejak Petjinan) – Surabaya
  3. Widya rangga Prameswara (Prameswaramukti) – Surabaya
  4. Sjafrizal Kurniawan (Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Prov. Jawa Timur) – Surabaya
  5. Junaidi (Lembaga Amil Zakat dan Infaq Al-Ma’un) – Surabaya
  6. Miftahul Khoir (Global Peace Youth Indonesia Chapter Surabaya) – Surabaya
  7. Dalu Nuzlul Kirom (Yayasan Gerakan Melukis Harapan) – Surabaya
  8. Ferdinandus Loke (Komisi Pengembangan Sosial Ekonomi Keuskupan Surabaya) – Surabaya
  9. Elisabeth Supriharyanti (Unika Widya Mandala Surabaya) – Surabaya
  10. Priya Dibya Rucitra (Flaws DIY) – Surabaya
  11. I Ketut Purba Widnyana (GAYa NUSANTARA) - Surabaya
  12. Mahella Tiara (PD Taman Satwa Kebun Binatang Surabaya) – Surabaya
  13. Veronica lanu (PD Taman Satwa Kebun Binatang Surabaya) – Surabaya
  14. Rizky Hanna Ekaputri (Kafe Baca Ceria) – Surabaya
  15. Nur Cahyono (PKPU Surabaya) – Surabaya
  16. Eka Candra Irawan (Social Investment Indonesia) – Surabaya
  17. Faizah Fajrina Firdaus (UINSA Student Forum) – Surabaya
  18. Putri Maulidiyah (Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia Surabaya) – Surabaya
  19. Wiwik Afifah (Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia Jawa Timur) – Surabaya
  20. Eri Rindaningsih (Yayasan Suara Hati Sidoarjo) – Sidoarjo
  21. Fitratama Putra Kusuma (“RP 13” Recycle of Pemuda / daur ulang sampah yang dilakukan oleh pemuda / mahasiswa) UIN Sunan Ampel  Surabaya – Sidoarjo
  22. Andre Setiawan Omarhadi (PT. Nutrifood Indonesia) – Sidoarjo
  23. Faishal Arifin (CV. Silver 999) – Malang
  24. Endahing Noor Suryanti (Pelangi Nusanatara) – Malang
  25. Devi Rahmayanti (Citra Lestari) – Malang
  26. Eka Prastama Widiyanta (Pusat Studi & Layanan Disabilitas Universitas Brawijaya)- Malang
  27. Haniati (Yayasan Sadar Hati) – Malang
  28. Wahyudi (Lembaga Sosial Pendidikan “Harapan Bajulmati) – Malang
  29. Rizky Ashar Murdiono (Youth Diversity Alliance Malang) – Malang
  30. Agung Dwi Prasetyo (EPTANI) - Batu

Thank you for those who have submitted their applications.

British Council will also conduct Social Enterprise training in Bandung, Yogyakarta, Makassar, and Kupang. Your organisation is welcome to participate in these training (further details on how to join will be announced accordingly).