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- Student Stories
- Student of The Month August - Askarina Sumiran
- Student of The Month July - Artricia Marina Rasyid
- Student of The Month - June 2018
- Studying Public Policy in the Central of London - Hindun Harahap
- Being Independent and Feeling Like Home in the UK - Almanda Arumdari
- Living in the UK, A Fascinating Experience that Changed My Life - Stephanie Louissa Amaris
- Pursuing A-Level in the UK - Audrey Adeline
- Student of the Month - Novyaldi
- Student of the Month, September 2017 - Rizanesia Citrasari
- Student of the Month, August 2017 - Zahra Akbari Ariadji
- Student Stories
- Alumni UK
- Alumni UK-Indonesia Social Action Grant 2025
- UK Alumni in Indonesia
- Alumni of The Month September - Sarah Ramadhita
- Alumni of The Month - August 2018
- Alumni of The Month July - Mary Rasita
- Metha Trisnawati - The lady who created Sayurbox
- A GREAT Experience of Education, Career, and Personal Life in the UK - Nico Dharmaputra
- A Chevening Scholar in Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Sonia Probowo
- Story of the First Female President of Indonesian Students Association in the UK - Alanda Kariza
- Life as a Student in the UK – from Oxford to Cambridge - Dyah Pritadrajati
- Amazing Day(s) in London while Pursuing Master's Degree - Fibria Heliani
- Master's Degree in Psychology of Music - Lestika Madina Hasibuan
- Becoming a Human Rights Lawyer - Ricky Gunawan
- Agents of Change: Inspiring Projects Led by Our UK Alumni in Indonesia
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- Going Global Partnerships
- Call for Proposals: UK-Indonesia Going Global Partnerships - Gender Equality Partnerships grants
- Call for Proposals: UK-ID Disability Inclusion Partnerships Grant
- CLOSED | Call for Proposals: UK-Indonesia Going Global Partnerships Grant 2022
- CLOSED | Call for Proposal – Opportunity for UK universities to access grant to develop TNE partnership with Indonesia universities
- Science and research
- Education insights
- ASEAN-UK SAGE Programme
- Non-formal education
- Skills for Inclusive Digital Participations
- Climate Skills - Seeds for Transition Indonesia
- Premier skills
- Future Leaders Connect
- Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies
- Reports
- Request for Proposal: Local Partner for Climate Skills in Indonesia
- Request for Proposal: UK Consultant for Skills Gap Analysis Among Youth with Disabilities in West Java and Bali
- Call for grant applications: Youth Connect - Skills training for young people with disabilities
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- About British Council Indonesia
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- Impact stories
- Sustainable Tourism in Bali
- Igniting hope for a prosperous Indonesia
- Creating a more inclusive society for the disabled
- How to make teachers passionate about their job
- Developing English teachers in rural Indonesia
- Creative Economy Memorandum of Understanding
- Hip Hop Music Collaboration
- International Young Creative Entrepreneur Award
- Indonesian International English Conference
- Heliosphere in Solo International Performing Arts Festival
- Fashion collaborations
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- Child protection
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
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