Fashion Revolution logo with campaign hashtag #whomademyclothes
Friday 15 April 2016 to Sunday 24 April 2016

Join us in a global Fashion Revolution, calling for a fashion industry that values people, environment, creativity and quality in equal measure. Visit our installation at Senayan City between 15 and 24 April 2016 to find out more about our campaign, and come to our special live event on 24 April.

Fashion Revolution started in 2013 in the UK, after 1,134 fashion workers were killed when the Rana Plaza clothing factory collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The campaign brings together tens of thousands of people in over 70 countries, from farmers to factory workers, brands to buyers, consumers to campaigners, to show that we care for the people who make our clothes.

We are inviting you to show us your label, ask yourself and the fashion industry #whomademyclothes, online and through social media. How do the brands you wear treat people and the environment?

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UK/Indonesia 2016-18