Wednesday 04 March 2015 - 00:00 to Friday 06 March 2015 - 00:00

Indonesia researchers have the potential in playing important role as “science diplomats”. They investigate the country’s urgent matters. They offer alternatives in various fields to promote Indonesia excellence in science and technology.

The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Newton Fund understand the urgency of enhancing Indonesia’s researchers and academicians’ capacity to foster science diplomacy skills in Indonesia.  

LIPI is supported by Newton Fund and British Council proudly present “Workshop on Science Diplomacy: Answering Research Challenge in the Globalization Era”.  

The workshop will be held in Jakarta, Wednesday - Friday, 4-6 March 2015. 

The workshop will highlight and enrich the knowledge in:

  1. International Negotiation and Networking Skills, 
  2. Diplomacy in International Research Collaboration Programs,
  3. Simulation on Bilateral and Multilateral Conferences/Meeting and Diplomacy

The workshop will be led by international speakers; science practitioners which include senior researchers/government officials/academicians from UK, Indonesia and other countries. Senior officials from Ministry of Foreign Affairs are also confirmed to lead sessions. Workshop will be delivered in English.

The residential workshop is free of charge and accommodation during the workshop will be borne by the committee. 

For more information, please refer to the Workshop on Science Diplomacy link below