Image: Lyno's Open Jedi

The arts and technologies ecosystem in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is shaped by tradition, modernity, and a drive for prosperity. It has evolved significantly over the past decade, as marked by the expansion of social media platforms, immersive experiences and artificial intelligence. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated a shift to hybrid and digital-first approaches in the arts, with a focus on upskilling and new livelihood opportunities for creative professionals. Artists are pushing practices by using technologies in lighting, 3D, sensors, sound production and others.

Arts and Technologies in ASEAN: Interconnected Parts takes a closer look at 10 ASEAN member states and Timor-Leste by investigating how these intersections are leading to new practices and trends. The British Council has commissioned Creative Friction Ltd. to learn more and map these developments. Through in-depth case studies and over 60 interviews with artists, technologists, policymakers and academics, the report reveals a highly diverse region at the forefront of exciting ideas and experimentation. The study is unique as it examines developments from an artist-led perspective rather than a purely economic lens.