
British Council

The Lost in Translation Conference: Identifying ways universities, industry and government can collaborate to promote innovative research and productive interactions.

University Club Universitas Gadjah Mada - Yogyakarta, 4 March 2015

Placing commercialisation, applied and translational research at the top of his agenda, Indonesia’s Minister for Research, Technology and Higher Education, Mohammad Nasir, has called on universities, research institutes and industry to work more closely together to undertake innovative research that is both in the public interest and the mutual interest of both universities and businesses. 

Minister Nasir has also requested that Indonesia’s international partners, including the UK, support Indonesia’s research ambitions by sharing their experience in creating a research ecosystem that produces innovative, applied and translational research through closer collaboration between universities and the private sector.

In response to the Minister Nasir’s plans, the British Council in partnership with the Ministry of Research, Technology and HE and Universitas Gadjah Mada are pleased to present: Lost in Translation: Identifying ways universities, industry and government can collaborate to promote innovative research and productive interactions. 


By bringing together key stakeholders from government, academia and industry as well as a number of international partners – including a delegation of thirteen senior UK higher education leaders with experience in university and industry collaboration, the conference aims to: 

  • Provide a forum for sharing practical experience in forging productive relationships between universities, industry and government
  • Identify some of the key challenges and opportunities within the Indonesian context, including successful partnerships between universities, research institutes and the private sector
  • Identify collaborative research translation projects and potential research consortia, including international consortia
  • Identify opportunities for Newton Funding

The conference will have a focus on three priority research areas as identified by the Indonesian government, namely: 

  • Energy
  • Agriculture and food security 
  • Maritime infrastructure 

To learn more about this conference, you can download presentation materials from the link below.