Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia (Ristekdikti) has approved Transnational Education (TNE) Master of Business Administration (MBA) blended-learning proposal, the first of its kind in Indonesia, prepared by Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and IPMI Business School. This approval is secured through 18 months of works and a series of negotiations and meetings. The MMU-IPMI partnership will open a pathway of new partnerships between UK-Indonesia Higher Education Institutions) in delivering dual degree with a mix of face-to-face and online learning. Shown in this picture, Director of IPMI Business School (holding Ristekdikti’s approval letter), flanked by the key people behind MMU-IPMI MBA blended-learning proposal (QA and academic director/manager). Now the hard work to make this TNE partnership successful and sustainable has just begun.