
British Council


Sustainable tourism is tourism that invites all parties – especially community members – to manage resources in a way that fulfils economic, social, and aesthetical needs while ensuring the sustainability of local cultures, natural habitats, biodiversity and other essential supporting systems.

The Mandiri Bersama Mandiri (MBM) Sustainable Tourism Programme is driven by concern towards the growth of enterprises in Indonesia. Tourism is a leading economic sector in Indonesia. Enterprises providing tourism services are varied, available in cities and remote villages, due to Indonesia’s widespread tourism potential. Since most tourist attractions are located in or near remote villages, the tourism industry has the ability to improve the welfare of rural communities.

One of the main concerns that this programme has raised is that most communities and villages entrepreneurs do not have the capacity to manage and understand their tourism potential. 


The MBM Sustainable Tourism Programme aims to stimulate village economic development by increasing communities’ capacity to manage tourism enterprises and improve income through the introduction of creative and productive activities in the tourism sector. The MBM Sustainable Tourism Programme is expected to help establish communities that are prosperous and independent.  


This programme is currently implemented in two locations: Bayan Village (North Lombok) and Wakatobi. In each location one village is selected by an independent team of consultants through a rigid scoring process. Selected villages are those that are most prepared to develop sustainable tourism based on the following criteria: 

  • the quantity and quality of tourism recourse, both natural and cultural 
  • supporting social conditions and organisations.

This programme's aim is to enable an outcome of equal benefit sharing through working collectively in tourism. In fulfilling their role the working group will receive direction from the governing group and supported by British Council facilitators and consultants.

If you would like to learn more out social enterprise and sustainable tourism please contact us.

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