Female and male smiling to the camera

The Support to Higher Education in the ASEAN Region (SHARE) Programme is the European Union’s flagship higher education programme with ASEAN.

The objective of the SHARE Programme is to strengthen regional cooperation, enhance the quality, regional competitiveness and internationalisation of ASEAN higher education institutions contributing to an ASEAN Community in 2025 and beyond. It also aims to catalyse the transfer of ownership of programme outcomes to ASEAN entities and nominated organisations to be embedded within sustainable ASEAN-led structures and processes.

In delivering the programme activities, the SHARE programme produces a number of written materials, such as reports, articles or meeting notes. We are therefore seeking a supplier that could provide English language editing services which include but are not limited to proofread and/or edit SHARE materials as follows:

  • Programme activities materials such as: terms of reference, event/activity overview, meeting reports, guidelines, etc.
  • Communication and visibility materials such as: press materials such as press release, social media posts, webpage content, etc.


All documents required as part of your response should be submitted to sharepmo@britishcouncil.org by the response deadline, as set out in the Instructions for Responding section of this RFQ.

Deadline for submission: 15 September 2021