By UK/Indonesia 2016-18 team

16 October 2018 - 17:44

disabled group Jakarta barrier free tourism perform public art on car free day
UK based Aaron Williamson collaborated with Jakarta Barrier Free Tourism at Festival Bebas Batas to create a live public performance. The group went out on car free day in Jakarta to highlight the unacknowldeged barriers faced by people living with disabilities. They dressed as Zombies, showing how disabled people can be treated in society.

Inspired by a visit to the Unlimited Festival in the UK, Festival Bebas Batas is the first of it's kind in Indonesia. The showcase weekend was a celebration of brilliant art by disabled people. The festival comprised of visual art and music, theatre and dance, films, talks, workshops and public intervention art. 

The festival welcomed international partners including seven artists and groups from the UK.

Candoco dance performers
One of the world's greatest dance companies: Candoco have been creating world-class productions with disabled and non-disabled dancers for more than 25 years. The full company performed in Indonesia for the first time ever as part of Festival Bebas Batas.
CandoDance performance
UK based Candoco dance company worked with disabled and non-disabled Indonesian dancers to create brand new work for Festival bebas Batas: CANdoDance.
Ananda Sukarlan performing at Festival Bebas Batas
Legendary pianist Ananda Sukarlan performed live as part of the CANdoDANCE performance.
Barbara Lisicki and Teater Tujuh performing
Barbara Lisicki, a leader in UK disability arts is an acitivist and stand up comedian. She devised a brand new theatre performance with Teater Tujuh, Jakarta's first deaf theatre company.
Deaf rave signing to the audience
UK based Deaf Rave worked with Jakarta dance music collective PonYourTone to put on an event like no other, bringing the first ever deaf rave to the city.

Festival Bebas Batas showcase weekend was a celebration of diveristy, inclusivity, collaboration and art. Keep up to date with UK/ID festival by following us on Instagram.