Wednesday 17 October 2018 to Friday 26 October 2018

London Book Fair is the global marketplace for the international books industry - and in March 2019, Indonesia will be the Market Focus country.

Alongside the Market Focus is the Culture Programme, which brings writers and literature lovers together through projects and events in the UK and Indonesia - and which kicks off at the UK/ID Festival.

Agustinus Wibowo (ID) x Will Buckingham (UK)

17 October, 7pm at Wallacea Week Closing, Perpustakaan Nasional

26 October, 1pm at Ubud Writers & Readers Festival

As avid explorers learning about the intricacies of foreign communities, writers Agustinus Wibowo and Will Buckingham will share panels in both Jakarta and Bali, to explore their perspectives on biodiversity and the science of society.

Sonority Turner (UK)

27 October, 8pm at LIFEs, Komunitas Salihara

Sonority Turner writes, sings, and experiments with visual poetry. Join us for an evening of spoken word mashed up with sound and visual exploration.

Wonderlands of Asian Comics

Exhibition: Paul Gravett (UK) x Hikmat Darmawan (ID)

18 October - 30 November, ICAD, Grand Kemang Hotel

Comic book enthusiasts Paul Gravett and Hikmat Darmawan share a passion to trace the influences of comic history. Through an exhibition they will present a focus on the visual language of cergam.

Paul Gravett (UK) x Iwan Gunawan (ID)

31 October, 3pm at ICAD, Grand Kemang Hotel

How have European and Asian comic books developed distinctive visual languages - and how have they influenced each other?

In partnership with Wallacea Week, Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, Komunitas Salihara, ICAD, Pabrikultur

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UK/Indonesia 2016-18