ASEAN-UK SAGE is providing high-quality research into the factors affecting educational outcomes as well as interventions to improve education for girls and out-of-school youths in the ASEAN region and Timor-Leste.
All ASEAN-UK SAGE research is freely available and can be found below.
- Out-of-school children and youth in Southeast Asia: A Rapid Scoping Study – This study provides an updated and nuanced overview of the reasons for children and youth in the region being out of school and the policies and programmes that support them.
- EdTech for Out-of-School Children and Youth: A Rapid Evidence Review – This publication looks at the use of EdTech by and for out-of-school children and youth in Southeast Asia.
- EdTech for Girls' Education: A Rapid Evidence Review – This publication looks at the use of technology in supporting girls' education in the Southeast Asia region.
- EdTech for Learners With Cognitive and Learning Disabilities: A Rapid Evidence Review – This publication looks at the use of EdTech for the education of learners with cognitive and learning disabilities in Southeast Asia. It summarises the current state and potential benefits of using technology to educate these learners, and its limitations and challenges.
- EdTech for Learners With Hearing and Visual Impairments: A Rapid Evidence Review – This publication looks at the use of EdTech for the education of learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the Southeast Asian region, specifically those with visual and hearing impairments. It summarises the current state and potential benefits of using technology for the education of these learners, and its limitations and challenges.
- EdTech in Cambodia: A Rapid Scan – A country-specific report covering opportunities and barriers in EdTech in Cambodia.
- EdTech in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: A Rapid Scan – A country-specific report covering opportunities and barriers in EdTech in Lao.
- EdTech in Timor-Leste: A Rapid Scan – A country-specific report covering opportunities and barriers in EdTech in Timor-Leste.
- Narrowing the education data gap: A data gap map for the ASEAN region – A data gap map that visualises the underlying factors that explain differences in key outcomes for girls, women and marginalised groups in the ASEAN region. It is based on an in-depth analysis of available data and gaps and is also available as country-level data maps.
- Advancing girls' education report – A report looking at the latest evidence and identifying promising initiatives to advance girls' education in the ASEAN region.
- Strengthening foundational learning for boys and girls report – Looking at strategies to ensure all children in the ASEAN region are learning.
- Supporting out-of-school girls and marginalised groups report – Looking at strategies for reducing the numbers of out-of-school girls and children from marginalised groups in the ASEAN region.
- Tackling gender barriers to basic digital skills for employment report – Looking at strategies for closing gaps in digital skills in the ASEAN region.