Oscar Lawalata (International Young Creative Entrepreneur 2008 Fashion winner) and Justin Smith’s (UK YCE Fashion Winner) collaboration on the runway at Jakarta Fashion Week 2012. © British Council.
The collaborations project attracts designers from the UK and Indonesia to develop innovative fashion work.
Through collaborations between UK and Indonesian fashion desginers, new collections were created and showcased on the runway at Jakarta Fashion Week. These collaborations allowed us to introduce two different yet complementary ways of working with an international audience.
In 2011, Oscar Lawalata collaborated with Laura Miles, an experienced textile desinger, empowering contact with local crafts people in Indonesian and opening doors to new materials and ideas.
In 2012, Justin Smith (Young Creative Entrepreneur Award winner in the UK) made use of his YCE Award grant to travel to Indonesia and work together in collaboration with Indonesian fashion designer Oscar Lawalata. This resulted in a collection that was shown on the fashion runway during Jakarta Fashion Week 2013.
The collaborations where highly celebrated by the media, fashionistas and influential fashion buyers.
This programme is continually seeking out for new proposals and opportunities.