Newton Institutional Links is part of the Newton Fund. This is part of the UK’s official development assistance programme.

Newton Institutional Links provides grants for the development of research and innovation collaborations between the UK and Indonesia. The research facilitated by these grants tackles local development needs and challenges such as extreme weather conditions, access to affordable health care, food and energy security.

The grants are intended to provide small-scale seed funding to:

  • start and develop collaborations between academic and research groups, departments and institutions in partner countries and the UK
  • support the exchange of expertise and research knowledge
  • establish local hubs for UK-partner country activities. 

Response to Covid-19

The British Council is aware that the ongoing situation regarding Covid-19 has significantly impacted the research and innovation community. We are committed to ensuring that people all over the world have access to education and remain connected, and we aim to continue to provide opportunities for researchers around the world during a difficult and unpredictable time.

You can also read the British Council Education response to Covid-19.

Call for Applications 2020

Item Description
Indonesia Co-Partner

Ministry of Research Technology – National Research Innovation Agency of Republic of Indonesia 

Kerjasama Luar Negeri (KLN) programme – for Indonesian applicants 

Thematic Priority Areas

Theme: Addressing COVID-19

With priority areas in:
1. Energy
2. Health
3. Transportation
4. Marine
5. Multidisciplinary and Cross-Sectoral
6. Social Humanities, Arts, Education
7. Engineering Product
8. Food

Information on priority sub-themes is available below

Duration of Grants 24 months
Grant Value
  • Newton fund  (UK Side): Minimum GBP 50,000, Maximum GBP 80,000 from Newton Fund 
  • Ristekdikti (ID Side): IDR 380,000,000 to IDR 1,300,000,000. Approximately GBP 20,000 to 66,000 - Based on type of focus and research output 

Please note that Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) provides the grant in Indonesian Rupiah. 

Application Submission

One application per one Indonesia-UK partner on Newton Fund system.

Contractual Arrangement

Newton Fund pays UK institution and Ristekdikti pays in-country institution

Other Considerations

Criteria for the UK principal applicant is same with general guidelines

Indonesian applicants only:

For Indonesia Principal Investigator 
  • Indonesian Principal Investigators has to be registered in Simlitabnas (Sistem Informasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
  • Works at Indonesian Higher Education 
  • For other eligibility criteria of Indonesia PI, Please refer to SIMLITABNAS guidelines (Panduan Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat edisi xii Tahun 2018) page 22 under Penelitian Dasar and Penelitian Terapan

For Basic Research

  • ID PI holds PhD degree and at least at the post of expert assistant or beyond.
  • ID PI has at least two (2) articles published in reputable indexed database and/or accredited national journal as first author or corresponding author
  • Research team consist of 1–2 person

For Applied Research

  • ID PI holds PhD degree and at least at the post of expert assistant or beyond.

In addition to joint report submission via Research fish, Indonesian applicants must also submit narrative and financial report to Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MoRTHE)

How to Apply

Find Your UK Counterpart

Read guidelines thoroughly

  • Read Newton Fund General Guidelines 
  • Read Newton Institutional Links Indonesia Specific Guidelines, this is downloadable under ‘Downloads’ section below
  • Join Newton Information Session through webinar. More info, please follow our Instagram @idbritish

Complete Your Application

  • Send completed application online  


  • Successful applicants will be notified by the British Council


  • 20 April 2020 - Application open
  • 12 June 2020 - Application closes
  • 19-22 June 2020 - Eligibility check
  • 20 July-17 August 2020 - ODA check
  • 14-21 September 2020 - Quality review
  • 12-26 October 2020 - Joint country panel
  • November 2020 - Announcement
  • February 2020-February 2022 - Project commence

Priority Topics and Sub-Topics

Theme: Addressing COVID-19

Following the case of Covid-19 global pandemic, the impacts of the pandemic have generated urgent need for new, novel, relevant, multidisciplinary research. The research proposal should be able to cover the priority sectors as below with relevance to Covid-19 pandemic. 

1. Energy: Clean Energy, Electricity Technology, Energy Management, Efficient, Conservation & Smart Energy Technology

2. Health:  Raw Materials for medicines and natural medicines, Medical Devices & Instrumentation, Genetics, Digital Health, Immune system

3. Transportation: Transportation Infrastructure & Facilities 

4. Marine: Maritime Infrastructure & Connectivity; Protection & Utilization of Maritime Resource

5. Multidisciplinary and Cross-Sectoral: Disaster Management, Biodiversity, Nutrition & Stunting Countermeasures, Environment, Water Resources & Climate Change

6. Social Humaniores, Arts & Education:
- Smart, Healthy, Courageous and Highly Competitive Human Resources -> Industrial Era 4.0 
- Political System Policy, Democracy and Regional & Village Autonomy
- Development of Regional and Village Productivity for Quality and Sustainable Economic Growth 
- Enrichment of Arts & Creative Industries, Preservation and Protection of Cultural Values, Local Wisdom, Language 
- Strengthening Indonesia’s Role and Interests at Regional and Global Levels

7. Engineering Product: Radiation Monitoring System, ICT Infrastructure and Access, ICT Technology & Policies -> Industry 4.0, Advanced Materials for Health, Fiber Technology, Textiles and Textiles Products, Machine Technology for Industry

8. Food: Modern Biotechnology (Seeds, Plants, Livestock and Fish), Intelligent Industrial-Based Agricultural Industrial Technology, Technology for Improving the quality & production of salt

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Institutional Links call run in a year?

Newton Institutional Links is an annual call which opens every April or June every year, please visit our website to get the most updated information about the call and other opportunities.

What is the eligibility of principal investigator?

Eligibility/Requirement of  Indonesia Principal Investigator

  • Indonesian Principal Investigators has to be registered in Simlitabnas (Sistem Informasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
  • Works at Indonesian Higher Education 

For Basic Research
ID PI holds PhD degree and at least at the post of expert assistant or beyond.

  • ID PI has at least two (2) articles published in reputable indexed database and/or accredited national journal as first author or corresponding author
  • Research team consist of 1–2 person

For Applied Research

  • ID PI holds PhD degree and at least at the post of expert assistant or beyond. 

Do I need a partner from UK institution to apply to Newton Fund?

Yes, Newton Fund require 1 Principal Investigator from UK and 1 Principal Investigator from Indonesia to submit 1 joint application

If I don’t have a UK partner, is there support provided by Newton Fund?

Support to find UK partner is available in this link. This support is intended to facilitate those who don’t have a UK partner. If you have an existing partnership with any eligible UK universities or research centres, please proceed to develop and submit the application.

Would a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between 2 institutions (UK-Indonesia) be needed?

Upon submitting the application, we require the applicant to submit a document that expresses 2 parties’ agreement to do research collaboration. This can be in the format of Letter of Intent or MoU.

If I already received a grant from an institution outside UK for my research, am i still eligible to get an additional grant from Newton Fund Institutional Links? 

Yes, you are still eligible. We encourage multilateral partnership although in Newton Fund case, we require 2 main Principal Applicants: UK and Indonesia

Can applicant submit multiple applications for funding with different partners?

No. Principal Applicants may only submit one Institutional Links application per Institutional Links call. However, Individual departments within a single institution can make multiple applications per call provided that the proposed activities are clearly different

How does the application submission system work for NF Institutional Links-KLN?

The application will go through 1 door only.  All applicants have to complete and submit their applications through British Council Newton Fund portal. You don’t need to apply to SIMLITABNAS nor any Ristekdikti channel for this call.

Who submits the online application?

UK Principal Investigator

Where can I find information regarding the Newton Institutional Links Call?

All information is available in Newton Institutional Links guidelines and Indonesia Specific guidelines, which is available under ‘downloads’ section at the end of this page. However, if you still need further information, please address your question to