The STEM Education Programme will support knowledge exchange and partnership opportunities between the UK and partner countries on STEM education approaches and in doing so build the human resource capacity in a vital area for economic development and social well-being.

The programme will:

  • Support dialogue and knowledge exchange between the UK and partner country around STEM education approaches for improved curricula for primary, secondary and tertiary STEM education.
  • Support development of new and improved pedagogies and teaching and learning resources, relevant to partner country context and development need, leading to enhanced capacity for teaching STEM subjects.
  • Support centres of excellence for STEM education in partner countries through partnerships with UK experts.
  • Equip students with a better understanding and appreciation of STEM education in an international context

In Indonesia, Newton Fund Indonesia has been partnering with Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) in the implementation of the Lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja (LKIR)/National Youth Scientist Competition. The partnership has been confirmed from the 47th LKIR in 2015. There are four categories included in the competition, such as :

  1. Life Sciences
  2. Engineering Sciences
  3. Social Sciences
  4. Earth and Maritime Sciences

In 2015, Newton Fund sent the winners of Life sciences and Engineering sciences to youth scientist trip to the UK as part of their preparation in attending various international world scientist competitions.