Newton Researcher Links gives early career researchers from the UK and Indonesia the opportunity to form international connections through fully funded workshops and travel grants. 

The programme runs in around 19 other countries globally, and since the launch in 2014, thousands of researchers have benefited from Researcher Links. New international collaborations, networks and projects have already been formed directly from the early rounds of workshops.

Researcher Links is running in Indonesia under the Newton Fund to enable knowledge exchange, as well as skills and career development – areas that are important for sustainable development.

At the moment, The Newton Programme Indonesia collaborates with Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MRTHE) on Newton Researcher Links travel grant, that is an integral part of UK – Indonesia Science and Technology Fund, to promote economic development and social welfare of developing countries.

This strand runs under an overarching Researcher Mobility programme alongside the Academies, Workshops and travel grants for research visits, with a focus on early career researchers.

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